Peakboard at Automate

Reading time: 1 min. |
"Automation isn't just about optimizing processes or reducing costs; it's about creating a dynamic ecosystem where connections are intelligently curated, relationships are nurtured with precision and decisions are based on a real-time data basis. In this context we can learn so much from each other. Let´s use the opportunity and the Automate show as a platform and stage to share knowledge to transform the factory floor into a symphony of precision, where robots and automated systems work in harmony with human.“

Peakboard America was exhibiting at booth 1788 at the Automate show in Chicago from May 06 – May 09.

At Automate, people checked out our low-code platform Peakboard. We did live demo´s at our booth and the attendees could see how we connect machines and other IT systems to Peakboard.
In addition we hosted our first networking event during Automate on May 07 together with the VDMA.

The United States is the largest export market and largest investment location outside of the E.U. for German machinery manufacturers. More than 400 #VDMA member companies have their own subsidiaries in the US, many of them with manufacturing facilities. The local VDMA America office in Chicago is building the first-of-its-kind network of European producers on the ground in the United States.

Kartik Iyer from the Trumpf Smart Factory enriched us with his key note.

„What encapsulates the transformative era of Industry 4.0, where automation, robotics, and AI converge to redefine manufacturing?

Intelligent machines, powered by AI, optimize processes with precision. Yet, this frontier poses ethical and workforce challenges. How do we ensure equitable benefits and data security? As we navigate these complexities, we unlock boundless potential for efficiency and intelligence in manufacturing.”

103 people took part in our event. It was an absolute highlight for us. We had fantastic conversations, a gorgeous view over Chicago and great drinks and snacks.
There will be more events. Stay tuned!

Picture of By Nina Berger

By Nina Berger

Nina Berger has been with Peakboard since August 2018. As Managing Director for Peakboard America, she is responsible for the North American market. She built Peakboard America together with her team in Chicago.

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