OKR – agile management for more employee motivation.

OKR (objectives and key results)

Solution at a glance.


  • Company goals not visible to employees
  • Low employee motivation


  • Peakboard as a tool for efficient tracking of your OKR


  • Higher employee motivation thanks to progress tracking
  • Better prioritization of tasks

Leadership for bright minds

Transparent goals for focused and motivated employees.

Most employees, from workers to the head of IT, are inundated with a flood of tasks, not least by modern communication tools. That sometimes makes it difficult to maintain an overview or even to prioritize tasks reasonably.

OKR dashboards that are easily visible to all employees in the organization bring clarity and transparency. When they know what goal they are pursuing with their current task and what progress they are making, they can focus better and are thus more motivated.

With Peakboard it is very easy to visibly communicate exactly this information quickly and in real time to every employee. In the Peakboard Designer, individual dashboards can be created to easily visualize the data that really matters. No matter the data sources and source systems. For even faster dashboard creation, use our templates.

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From vision to implementation

Strategic goals become operative goals.

The OKR method begins with the company vision, which is typically defined by management. The OKR are then derived from the vision by the employees themselves. Every employee asks themselves how they can best contribute to the success of the company and the achievement of the vision. The formulated goals become part of goal-setting, and results are regularly discussed and analyzed in feedback discussions. This involves employees in strategic tasks, which helps them feel trusted and valued. Motivating, right?

The decisive factor is that goals are clearly communicated and progress is tracked openly for all employees. On illuminated dashboards directly in the warehouse or in production. All data sources that contribute to progress are constantly connected live to the respective dashboards.

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Discover a wide range of available dashboard templates on our Templatesite

Management methods

OKR methods for modern personnel management.

Behind the term ‘objectives and key results,’ or OKR for short, you’ll find an agile management method that many of the major players in the USA have promoted for years and that has become more and more popular in Germany. Many proponents even believe it is one reason for the lasting success of companies like Google, Intel, and many others.

The objective is a qualitative goal that an entire plant, division, or team defines for itself. One example would be an increase in performance in a certain sector. The important part: The dimensions of the objective must be clear for all participants, but it should not be explicitly measurable.

The key results on the other hand are specific and measurable, three of which are allocated to each objective. They clearly define the criteria for achieving the goal. In the processes, they are based on things that are measurable, such as growth, revenue, participation, or performance.

When employees aren’t just informed about the current goal, but also about the strategy towards the goal, they see more sense in each of the steps to reach it. Formulating the goals together also makes it easier for them to concentrate on what is really important and urgent.

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The software

Peakboard Designer.

Capture, process and visualize your order data e.g. from SAP with the production data from your machine – in real time and without major programming effort.

Just download the software for free, install it on your PC and get started.

Your contact
Georg Büchner

Feel free to tell me about your project or ask me your questions. I’m already looking forward to hearing from you.

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