Interactive PDA dashboard

Our interactive real-time dashboard for production data acquisition (PDA) enables efficient collection and analysis of production data so that errors in quality control can be identified and rectified more quickly – for optimum transparency, greater responsiveness and a better basis for decision-making.

Digital Shift Book

Digitize your shift handover with Peakboard and create seamless communication in your company.

Energy efficiency

Discover the future of energy management in production with Peakboard. With this application, you can monitor your data in real time and optimize your energy consumption.

Smart parking with Bosch AI cameras

Smart Parking Dashboard with Peakboard and Bosch AI cameras

Create a customized, cost-effective solution for your parking space management with Peakboard’s low-code software and innovative AI cameras from Bosch.

HMI application for car wash systems

The low-code solution from Peakboard makes it easy to create customized applications for your car washes. Easily adapt the software to different types of systems and locations – according to your individual requirements.

Worker assistance system for order picking

Increase your order picking efficiency. Design your individual worker assistance system with Peakboard and receive clear instructions for precise order picking. Prioritize your orders and maximize your team’s performance.

Yard Management

HMI-Anwendung für Yard Management - Screen für Nettogewicht

Create complex applications, such as an HMI solution for your yard management system, without extensive programming knowledge, and save valuable time and resources.