Interactive worker assistance system.

Optimized assembly efficiency

Solution at a glance.


  • Inefficient assembly processes and production delays
  • High scrap rates due to faulty assembly
  • High training costs for employees


  • Interactive worker assistance system from Peakboard
  • Digitized assembly processes


  • Improved assembly efficiency
  • Reduction of errors
  • Fast teach-in through precise instructions

Worker assistance system 4.0

Efficient assembly processes with Peakboard.

Inefficient assembly processes and frequent errors lead to production delays and quality problems. There is often a lack of clear guidance and support for workers to perform their tasks efficiently. Lack of visibility into the progress of assembly jobs makes it difficult to effectively manage production flow and identify bottlenecks early. Overcoming these challenges requires a worker assistance system that provides clear guidance, real-time feedback, and comprehensive monitoring of assembly processes. Peakboard’s interactive dashboard provides your workers with all the information and guidance they need to complete assembly jobs accurately and error-free. By combining descriptive texts, images, technical drawings and material lists, the assembly steps are visualized in a clear and understandable way. The system also records important parameters during the assembly process to enable real-time monitoring and evaluation. This includes, for example, recording the time required and counting the OK and NOK parts at the end of assembly. In addition, you can directly reorder the required materials in the internal warehouse logistics or, if necessary, report problems to production managers to reduce waiting times.

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Reduced training effort

Quick start at new job.

Training new team members in the assembly process requires a significant amount of time and training effort. Without a worker assistance system, experienced workers must spend a lot resources passing on their knowledge and skills to new team members. The process is lengthy and often requires in-person training, internships or mentoring programs. This results in a longer learning curve and delays the deployment of new workers to production. In addition, manual training increases the risk of information loss and interpretation errors, as knowledge may not be conveyed consistently. With our intuitive worker assistance system, companies can reduce the high cost of training. New employees start immediately! The interactive dashboard provides a user-friendly interface and with the visual instructions and material lists, the learning curve is minimized as the information is presented in a clear and understandable manner. Thus, the interactive worker assistance system from Peakboard leads to smooth assembly, increased productivity, minimization of errors and optimization of the entire production process.

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Discover a wide range of available dashboard templates on our Templatesite

Independent thanks to digital assistance

Reducing the shortage of skilled workers with digitalization.

Many people who have thirty or more years of experience in manual assembly processes and know them by heart, will gradually retire from the workforce. The loss of their expertise weighs heavily on companies, especially in production. In order not to lose all this knowledge, it makes sense to digitize the experience of the experts in order to minimize bottlenecks in assembly. This is where the worker assistance system from Peakboard steps in to combat this problem.

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The software

Peakboard Designer.

Capture, process and visualize your order data e.g. from SAP with the production data from your machine – in real time and without major programming effort.

Just download the software for free, install it on your PC and get started.

Your contact
Georg Büchner

Feel free to tell me about your project or ask me your questions. I’m already looking forward to hearing from you.

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