
Success Stories.

Our customers’ success stories are as varied as our customers themselves. Flexible solutions tailored to the customer’s needs must be found for a wide variety of challenges.
Below you will find an overview of our success stories with the most diverse uses of Peakboard.

BWI Group
Production | Production of suspensions, brakes
Integration of Peakboard Boxes to the different stations in the company to visualize data in... Pfeil-Icon
Logistics, Production | Agricultural Machinery Manufacturer
Real-time cycle time display solution for CLAAS, providing live insights into assembly rhythm and workflow... Pfeil-Icon
Prym Group
Warehouse | Metal industry and processing
Provision of dashboards with information on transport orders in the areas of high-bay warehouses and... Pfeil-Icon
Hermes Schleifmittel Dashboard von Peakboard für ein Digitales Schwarzes Brett
Hermes Schleifmittel
Production | Abrasive Tools Manufacturer
Peakboard supports Hermes Abrasives with digital dashboards for real-time visualization in production, employee information displays,... Pfeil-Icon
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IT, logistics, production | metal industry and processing
Integration of a complete Manufacturing Execution System (MES) into the existing structures for the complete... Pfeil-Icon
Production | Light metal manufacturing
Display existing and newly generated data in real time and process it automatically. Pfeil-Icon
Aquis Systems
Production | Sanitary technology
Extraction of data from SQL database for real-time information on output, error rates and error... Pfeil-Icon
GBA Laborgruppe
Organization | Laboratory
Peakboard was introduced to optimize project-related internal communication. Laboratory information is now passed on via... Pfeil-Icon
Helmut Fischer
Logistics, production, quality assurance, purchasing | Electronics / Measurement Technology
Real-time visualization of shop floor data with Peakboard as a lean management tool. Pfeil-Icon
MUNSCH Kunststoff-Schweißtechnik
Precision engineering sector | Mechanical Engineering
Munsch Plastic Welding Technology uses Peakboard to display the most important data in real time... Pfeil-Icon
Pankl Racing System
Production | Racing, luxury cars, and aerospace industries
Central display of current production data on a Peakboard andon board. Pfeil-Icon
Production | Animal food
Integration of 43 Peakboard products on the individual stations in the company for visualization of... Pfeil-Icon
Joh. Clouth GmbH & Co KG
Supplier to the paper and steel industry | Production, administration
Joh. Clouth GmbH & Co. KG - founded in 1874 - is today an internationally... Pfeil-Icon
Rosenberger Group
Production | Manufacture of connectors and cable assemblies
Introduction of interactive Low-Code applications by Peakboard based on data from the MS-SQL database of... Pfeil-Icon
Assembly | Bicycle manufacturing
Creating an information board with Peakboard that brings together and visualizes all data sources available... Pfeil-Icon
Johannes Giesser Messerfabrik
Production, Master office | Metal processing industry
Connection of the ERP system CimMETAL to Peakboard via a dedicated interface, provision of five... Pfeil-Icon