Dashboard for detailed complaint analysis.

Digitalized customer complaints

Solution at a glance.


  • No transparency about the number of complaints and the reasons for them
  • Slower processes due to manual processing
  • Complex error analysis


  • Digital dashboard for complaint analysis
  • Saving data for long-term analysis


  • Shorter processing times thanks to digitized real-time data
  • Transparent progress in improving complaints processes
  • Optimal error analysis based on up-to-date information

Transparent error analysis with Peakboard

Real-time visualizations to improve employee motivation.

Reducing the number of complaints is an important factor in lowering your logistics costs. By detecting errors early, you can reduce your processing, repair, and replacement costs and thus increase the efficiency of your logistics.
Peakboard helps you to reliably present your errors along your value-added process. Employees in your logistics department use real-time visualizations to see information about complaint rates and reasons as well as frequently encountered error types and locations. Errors such as picking the wrong items, mixing up shipping labels, or mixing up several orders are recorded and clearly displayed.

Your team gets transparent insight into their own performance and is motivated to avoid mistakes. In addition, Peakboard can be used to provide feedback and take corrective action by showing employees the impact of their actions and decisions on the process. The digitized and automated analysis process compensates for the information asymmetry, and your employees can keep an eye on their own mistakes.

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Discover opportunities for optimization

Errors as learning opportunities.

A thorough analysis of complaints helps you to identify the weak points in your company in order to optimize the logistics processes. In the warehouse, the dashboards show your employees the work areas where there were problems in the previous week, which errors occurred, and what the causes were. At the same time, Peakboard is able to display the currently received complaints in real time and thus compare live key figures of the current performance to the previous week. This provides you with the best basis for decision-making about your complaints analysis, since you have access to all of your historical data.

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Discover a wide range of available dashboard templates on our Templatesite

The software

Peakboard Designer.

Capture, process and visualize your order data e.g. from SAP with the production data from your machine – in real time and without major programming effort.

Just download the software for free, install it on your PC and get started.

Your contact
Georg Büchner

Feel free to tell me about your project or ask me your questions. I’m already looking forward to hearing from you.

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